October 14, 2014
SBA Insured Commercial Loans and the “Savior” of the Small Businessman – President Obama
Everyone is always complaining how President Obama is making it difficult for the small businessman to succeed. Although there have been numerous regulatory obstacles placed in the path to success by the government bureaucracy; the Administration has removed one of the most challenging obstacles the small businessman faces—raising money.
Businesses fail because they run out of money, not profits. Remember this!
Yes I said it; it is now much easier to get a loan with an SBA Guarantee than it was two years ago; and we at QSCF have the expertise to smooth out the path to your goal; raising money.
You are probably saying to yourself that this guy is crazy! How could this be true?
The fact is that numerous nonbank lenders have been recently formed to take advantage of the various SBA programs and they are much easier to deal with than SBA departments of large Commercial Banks. Why is this? I have never seen a Banker who was fired for not making a loan. All commercial banks have one thing in common; and that is they are closely regulated by federal bank examiners whose main job is to make sure that all of the FDIC insured Banks make loans only to those businesses that do not need a loan. That’s right; if you need a loan your friendly commercial bank will reject you!
If that has happened to you, you need to call Quaker State Commercial Finance. Why? Because we have the connections to Nonbank Investors who say yes rather than no to business loans up to $5,000,000.00.
We have recently closed SBA 7-A loans with a Glampground in upstate New York, an Exterior Corridor non flag rural motel in South Carolina, a formerly financially distressed self storage facility in rural Indiana and a distressed used car dealer in rural Pennsylvania. The one thing in common with all of these was an extensive story and problems.
Just remember, call Quaker State Commercial Finance if you have been rejected and we will ensure a happy ending to your difficult search for financing.